Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Math Coach ROCKS!

Hey everyone! I am on the countdown! 10 more days and my two classes are D-O-N-E! I am so ready to spend the rest of December catching up on my favorite blogs and the recorded episodes of everything I've missed out on watching.

But, speaking of favorite blogs, you have to head over to the Math Coach's Corner. Donna has reached 1,000,000 page views and is having a HUGE GIVEAWAY! She has bundles of incredible materials for K-2 and 3-5. Congratulations Donna! You ROCK!

I've been working in kindergarten and have some great things to tell you about the munchkins and their new math journals! Also, we've got some holiday math cooking in 1st grade...based on one of "the Math Coach's" fabulous ideas!

Have a great week everyone!


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